Well with the New Year started I'm off and running. Out of the 5 days so far I've been shooting on three of them. After doing a sunrise over an amish farm I spent the rest of Saturday morning at Longwood Gardens. I've been experimenting with different types exposures trying to get effects that I've never done before. I'll blog about that later. I spent most of Saturday experimenting with different flash settings and working on different types of composition with the light. Also I wanted to get a head start on the Orchids before the festival later in the month.
This image here is pretty basic the metadata is an ISO100 at 1/30sec, f-8 the only thing I did different was in photoshop I applied a yellow filter and increased the luminosity to 60%. To throw out any potential distractions.
I felt that there was too much green from the ferns in the background.
One of my goals this winter is too increase my flowers theme. I also want to be more artistic in the composition. I feel that I'm off on the right foot. Enjoy
Best of Light