Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Cornfield Sunrise

For the last week or so I've had trouble with my internet connection.The only time I have gotten online has been only to check e-mail. So I haven't been able to post anything on my website or blog. This pano I took a couple of mornings ago. I was going to a spot off Snake Hill Rd for you local people but saw some fog in the distant. So took a quick ride looking for a valley to shoot in. Came across this one spot, and panoramic just came calling. Hope you enjoy


Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Prince Street Garage

This past evening my wife and I took a quick trip downtown to capture some more imags of Lancaster. We both wanted to work on getting the lights on the Prince Street Garage. They change colors every few minutes. I spent some time inside the garage. The Parking Authority won't let you walk around like you own the place. But on the sidewalk with the blurred traffic at the bottom providing the base. We have a solid subject. I hope you enjoy.


Sunday, September 13, 2009

Falls in Holtwood

This image I took when I was out with Ed Heaton last Saturday for the Amish barn raising. We went by the Historic Lock 12 area near the Holtwood dam. We've both have photographed this area extensively. So it was a welcomed challenge of finding some new angle on an old subject or a new subject. Hope you enjoy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Movement & Patterns

This week I've been working on my night shooting in downtown Lancaster. One of the things I've been concentrating on is to have blurred movement in the image whether it's people or traffic. This is accomplished with leaving my shutter open. Also I've been working on patterns in building lights as well as street lights. This image here outside of one of the more popular watering holes I feel provides a great example of when you combine the two. Unfortunately my gallery tab isn't working so to view the rest are on my website. Sorry for the inconvenience. I hope you enjoy

Monday, September 7, 2009

Tobbaco Barn

This past Saturday I go together with fellow photographer & friend Ed Heaton. We had gotten together to shoot an Amish barn raising. Unfortunately there was no barn raising, they must have taken the day off. Anyway they did allow us to shoot there barn and with the light hitting and just the right time it made a great subject. I hope you enjoy.


Sunday, September 6, 2009

Lancaster Sunset

The other night I went out to a spot that I've been eyeing for a while as a potential sunrise/sunset location. The only problem was shooting over a fence and under electric lines. Lately we've had some really awesome sunsets where the clouds have had some great color but I think if you have a city skyline the opposite way you have great light on some buildings and reflections as well. Hope you enjoy.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Trees Abstract

The last couple of months I've been working on technique done by William Neil. The whole process is actually simple once you get the hang of it. It's all about merging different shots but rotating the camera while shooting the scene. I think it's pretty cool technique. I'm still working on it so hopefully I'll have a few more. Hope you enjoy.